Welcome! Talking About Racial Identities

I’ve had a few people join me as followers recently, so thought I’d say “glad to have you”, and (while I’m here) mention that I’m part of a team leading a conversation about race in Epsom, NH on Tuesday 10/23/18. Contact me here for details, or if you want to know how to bring a two hour conversation to your group in southern NH. Highly informal welcome.


Author: Aron DiBacco

Aron thinks about conflict, communication, and how to help move the world in the direction of inclusive equity. She does these things through teaching, facilitating dialogue, social science research, and writing.

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CONTACT: theother.azzi@gmail.com __________________________ Welcome to all who are interested in engaging my views on the Middle East, on Islam, on being Muslim in America, and on issues of Conflict and Identity to an archive of my commentary as well as some selections of other work, comments and profiles. ______________________________ All content ©Robert Azzi 2022 / All Rights Reserved unless otherwise noted or attributed.

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